AGNI 5 : Did China Spy on India during the launch of Agni-5?

AGNI 5 : India’s Indigenous Missile

What is AGNI 5 ?

India’s One Of The Dream Missile.

We begin with the story of Agni 5 India’s latest missile. It is Indigenous missile with Multiple Independently Targetable Re-entry Vehicle (MIRV) Technology. It is developed by DRDO.

This missile put India at different league. One has to think 10 times before attacking India.

Its developer under a mission called Divystra.

It was tested on Monday 11th march. It was a big win for India but now it turns out that China may have been snooping on India when the test was on the mission was called Divystra meaning a Divine weapon.



Chinese SPY Ship

Guess who was around to witness it ? An Uninvited Guest, A Chinese ship.
Beijing calls a it as a research vessel. This ship is called Xiangyang Hong . One Reports say and we quote, It was in the Bay of Bengal region. It entered these Waters just before India’s missile test.

Xiangyang Hong ship was spotted less than 260 nautical miles off the coast of Vishakapatnam India. This is the place where India Conducted its tests. The APJ Abdul Kalam island off the Odisha coast as you can clearly see the Chinese ship was in the vicinity of India’s test site.




What was it doing there the so-called research vessel did not reveal. Where it was going or what it was up to as far as we know the Chinese did not announce that they’ll be sending the ship. But Beijing’s intentions are quite obvious that this ship was probably there to monitor the test and collect whatever data it could.

This launch was a major milestone for India significant breakthrough. India tested a new weapons technology. It’s called Multiple Independently Targetable Re-entry vehicle (MIRV). Now this is basically a missile equipped with multiple Warheads.

It can hit a range of Targets in a single strike and there is a good reason for China to be watching this closely to seek more information about India’s launch.

As this missile will serve as nuclear deterrence against countries like China and Pakistan. China already has this weapons technology so does Russia, United States, France and United Kingdom.


India Join The Unique Elite Club

On 11th March India joined this elite club. As per the any military expert, it pays to know the strengths and weaknesses of your Rivals so China May label it as research but what it’s doing is classic Espionage.

It’s being done quite it’s being quite invasive. These Chinese research ships are becoming quite a nuisance. They keep showing up in India’s neighbourhood in October last year.

A Chinese ship docked in Colombo, the capital of SriLanka last month. China sent a ship to the males, their new BFF in the region. Now it’s turned up in the Bay of Bengal. The equipment on these research ships is designed for dual use. Meaning it has both civilian and Military applications.

Concern Over SPY Ship


That is why this is a cause of concern and this is not happening like for the first time. There was another incident in 2022. It happened in November. India was planning a missile test. It had put out a note. It is basically like a warning. telling plane operators and Pilots and air traffic operators to avoid a certain area in the skies. These notices are used to enforce a no fly zone before a missile test.

So that Pilots can keep their planes away from the test site. But guess who could not stay away the Chinese and their research ships. Reports say just before India’s test, The Chinese dispatched a research ship. It was seen in the Indian Ocean.

How did India react it, withdrew the notice and issued a fresh one this time to Institute a no-fly zone over the Bay of Bengal. Ultimately the test went ahead. India is keeping an eye on the Chinese. But the challenges will keep coming.

Last week the Indian Prime Minister visited Arunachal Pradesh. The trip has caused outrage in Beijing. The Chinese government has never recognised the so-called Arunachal Pradesh. Firmly opposes it India’s moves will only complicate. The boundary question and disrupt the situation in the Border areas between the two countries.

China strongly deplores and firmly opposes the Indian leaders visit to the east section of the China-India boundary. The Arunachal Pradesh is an integral part of India but the Chinese keep claiming the Indian State as theirs.

Even when these claims have no International backing. New Delhi has launched a counter protest. India statement has rejected China’s claim so the back and forth continues both on the land border and the high seas.

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