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“Rider Strong and Will Friedle Recount the Alleged Grooming and Manipulation by ‘Boy Meets World’ Actor Brian Peck”

Rider Strong

Rider Strong and Will Friedle


Rider Strong and Will Friedle in latest episode of “Pod Meets World”

The latest episode of “Pod Meets World” took an unexpected turn as hosts Danielle Fishel, Rider Strong, and Will Friedle, along with family therapist Kati Morton, delved into a serious and uncomfortable topic. The focus of the discussion was Brian Peck, a guest star on “Boy Meets World” during Season 5, who later faced allegations of child sexual abuse.

The hosts began by highlighting their commitment to openness and honesty, even when faced with discomfort, as they explored the difficult subjects of grooming, childhood sexual abuse, and their profound effects on victims. The decision to dedicate an entire episode to Peck’s story came as the hosts were approached for statements regarding Peck, possibly due to his involvement in the upcoming “Quiet on Set” docuseries, investigating alleged abuse on Nickelodeon sets.

Rather than releasing a single statement, the hosts opted to share their individual experiences with Peck in a full episode. Peck had appeared in two episodes of Season 5 of “Boy Meets World,” and the hosts felt it was necessary to address the situation openly.

Will Friedle shared his close relationship with Peck, emphasizing the latter’s charming and personable nature. Rider Strong, too, recalled frequent hangouts with Peck outside of work, despite a significant age difference. The hosts acknowledged Peck’s ability to effortlessly break social boundaries, engaging with the main cast on a personal level, which was unusual for stand-ins.

The revelation of Peck’s criminal activities, specifically his conviction for sexually abusing a child actor, came as a shock to the hosts. They admitted to being manipulated by Peck’s version of the story, which blamed the victim and downplayed the severity of his actions.

During Peck’s trial, both Strong and Friedle supported him, writing letters to the judge. The hosts expressed regret for their involvement in Peck’s defense, especially upon realizing the true extent of the crimes he committed.

Rider Strong and Will Friedle Sharing their experiences

The hosts hope that by sharing their experiences, they can offer support to those who might be experiencing manipulation or grooming. The episode concluded with Rider Strong expressing discomfort about the potential impact on the cultural memory of “Boy Meets World,” while Will Friedle reflected on the personal growth resulting from the experience.

In the end, the episode serves as a reminder of the complexities surrounding issues of abuse and manipulation, even within the seemingly lighthearted world of entertainment. It prompts important conversations about the responsibilities of those in the industry to protect vulnerable individuals and the enduring impact of such experiences on both victims and those unwittingly drawn into their orbit.

As the discussion unfolded, listeners were taken on an emotional journey that delved deep into the dark realities of abuse within the entertainment industry. The hosts’ candid reflections and willingness to confront uncomfortable truths highlighted the importance of addressing these issues openly and honestly.

Throughout the episode, Fishel, Strong, and Friedle shared their personal experiences with Peck, illustrating the complexities of their relationships with him and the profound impact of his actions on their lives. Their willingness to speak out about their experiences, despite the discomfort it may cause, serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of speaking up against abuse and supporting victims.

The episode also sparked a broader conversation about the responsibilities of those in positions of power within the entertainment industry to protect vulnerable individuals and create safe environments for all. By shedding light on the dark realities of abuse and manipulation, “Pod Meets World” has opened the door for further discussion and action to address these issues and create positive change within the industry.


In conclusion, “Pod Meets World” has once again demonstrated its commitment to tackling difficult topics and sparking meaningful conversations. The episode serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of speaking out against abuse, supporting victims, and working towards creating a safer and more inclusive industry for all.

Overall, the episode serves as a poignant reminder of the power of storytelling to inspire change and create a more just and equitable world for all.

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