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Nikki Haley’s Empowering Journey: A South Carolina Speech That Inspires on Feb 24th, 2024

Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley’s Empowering Journey

I feel blessed tonight. I’ve felt blessed throughout this entire journey. Even when it’s been tough, I haven’t lost sight of that. I’ve felt God’s strength and grace every step of the way. I’m blessed to have served the state that raised me. I’m truly blessed that I was able to be with my mom this morning as she voted for her daughter for President of the United States.

Ms. Haley wisely disassociated herself from the Never Trump movement and reserved her severest criticisms for Mr. Biden—especially his failure on the southern border, the chaotic pullout from Afghanistan, and provocative weakness amid Russian, Chinese and Iranian aggression

Nikki Haley’s Underlying Message and Recognition


Nikki Haley

Mr. Trump will have to defeat her the old-fashioned way, at the ballot box. “We don’t anoint kings in this country,” she said in Greenville, S.C., ahead of the state’s primary on Saturday. “We have elections. And Donald Trump, of all people, should know we don’t rig elections.”

It’s a blessing to know that across our sweet state, everyone wants to bring back the America we know and love. That’s the underlying message in what happened today. I want to congratulate Donald Trump on his victory. And I want to thank the people of South Carolina for using the power of your voice. No matter the results, I love the people of our state. I love what we accomplished together. And I love how we united during our worst challenges and tragedies.

Nikki on Carolina: The State as a Family and Honesty

Nikki Haley

State as a Family

I’ve always seen our state as a family. Families are honest with each other. They say the hard truths. That’s what I’ve done this entire campaign. That’s what I’ll do now.

Honesty in Campaign

What I saw today was South Carolina’s frustration with our country’s direction. I’ve seen that same frustration nationwide. I share it. I feel it to my core. I couldn’t be more worried for America. It seems like our country is coming apart.

National polls consistently have the two incumbents neck and neck, and that’s before Mr. Trump has had a chance to remind voters of why they dropped him in 2020: his erratic behavior and never-ending personal feuds. Those traits, as Ms. Haley pointed out, have intensified since Mr. Trump left office. “He’s completely distracted,” she said. “And everything is about him. He’s so obsessed with his own demons from the past, he can’t focus on delivering the future Americans deserve.”

Concerns for America and the Road Ahead

Nikki Haley

The Importance of Choices

But here’s the thing. America will come apart if we make the wrong choices. This has never been about me or my political future. We need to beat Joe Biden in November. I don’t believe Donald Trump can beat Joe Biden. Nearly every day, Trump drives people away, including with his comments just yesterday.

The Reality of the Election and Future Plans

Today, in South Carolina, we’re getting around 40% of the vote. That’s about what we got in New Hampshire too. I’m an accountant. I know 40% is not 50%. But I also know 40% is not some tiny group. There are huge numbers of voters in our Republican primaries who are saying they want an alternative. I said earlier this week that no matter what happens in South Carolina, I would continue to run for President. I’m a woman of my word. I’m not giving up this fight when a majority of Americans disapprove of both Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

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